Dec 4, 2018
#06 The Clarity Sessions - How to start your blog
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Guest’s Name:Zeena Regis
Question asked by guest:
Zeena is a grief counselor and hospice chaplain who wants to know how to start a faith-based community where the members can connect with one another and share resources about end of life care and about how to handle grief. A blog, podcast and/or web portal where people can share best practices on what has worked for them.
Brian’s answer:
Create great content and get to know your audience and as you get to know your audience you will find an opportunity which will become your product.
Brian suggested three exercises.
A person Anne(an is your ideal reader/community member), wants to support her friend whose mother has passed away. Write a narrative of “Anne” from the point when Anne heard that her friend’s mom is sick until 2 years after her friend’s mom passes. Describe how Anne, in an ideal world according to your expertise, assisted her friend so that her friend felt supported. Begin with the end in mind.
You’ll notice benchmarks and milestones along Anne’s journey which becomes the framework. The good thing about having a framework is that you can identify the stage a person is at and then identify the stage you need to get them to. E.g. If you determine that they are at Stage 3 then your job is to get them to Stage 4.
Look at each milestone and brainstorm a list of questions that people might have about how to get from one stage to the next. E.g. a person overheard about something going on with a family member but does not know the best way to bring up the topic. That person might ask “What should I do?”, “Should I text or call?”. Write down all of the questions they might have.
Brian’s main points:
Links Brian mentions:
Experts/ Books Brian mentions:
Guest’s website link: